Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

by Muzafar
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Summary of Rich Dad and Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki

(Don’t wait for an opportunity but to create it).

Here, I would like to sum up the essence of this thought-provoking book. This book is full of insights into how money works in the real world. It provides a lot of stunning ideas about business. Above all, the author has highlighted the ambiguities which are found among highly educated people about business. It may sound good that it provides a new angle toward the capital. Even more importantly, this book has changed the ideology of many people towards money. Robert Kiyosaki has chosen two Dads, one is poor while another one is rich. It reveals that the company would define your destination.

In fact, the author has criticized the school system where children are only taught about professional and scholastic skills but learned nothing about money. One of the bitter lines which are expressed by the author in these words, the love of money is the root of all evil, as well as the lack of money is the root of all evil. The author has emphasized four things which should be learned across the globe. Here the four things are the following; accounting, investing, understanding markets and the last one is to know about the law. Robert has suggested that a person should know about that how to manage money and need to be financially literate. One of the bitter truths is that rich people know about assets and liabilities clearly while poor people are deprived of financial education. One of the mind-blowing sayings of the author is that money is only an idea, if you want more money simply people should change their thinking. Add on, use their minds and emotions in a positive way, otherwise it would be detrimental for them.

rich dad and poor dad summary
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

conclusion of rich dad and poor dad

Lastly, the author has provided some tactics that should be done by everyone to become rich. Firstly, a person should find a greater reason than reality and as well as choose friends carefully. Secondly, a person should have the power of self-discipline and how to use assets to buy luxuries. There is a big difference between a poor Dad and Rich Dad. For instance, poor Dad recommended that, become either a well-paid employee or a well-paid self-employed such as a doctor, lawyer and an accountant. While, rich Dad’s advice is that go to school, and after graduation build a business and become a successful investor

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Ehtisham Ali Shah May 8 - 6:25 am



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