Some famous “NOs” of all time.

by Imtiaz Ali shah
1 comment
Some famous NOs of our time.

Although every one of us wants his or her wishes to be fulfilled. We don’t like people to reject or amend our ideas, human nature has a default setting to “NO”, like as many of our electronic devices have their default settings. This means human nature does not accept any new idea easily. We as humans try to stick with what we already know because our default setting says “NO” to novel transitions.

Here we will try to see what our default setting has contributed to our history and we’ll gradually connect the dots of our past to see the present life.

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch and do nothing” Albert Einstein. Contrary to the above saying there are few accounts in history where men has stood against the evil. When Hussain(عليه السلام) said “NO” to Yazeed, this “NO” has great importance in our lives as Muslims regardless of our mutual enmities because to Hussain (عليه السلام) I don’t think there is any division if there exists then that should be reconsidered thoroughly. Moreover, the man of iron, the son of haider, the grandson of beloved Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) stood on his stance with seventy-three loyal friends including his family member. He was given many choices, but Hussain (عليه السلام) knew that the only thing they want was to make Hussain (عليه السلام) bow his head to Yazeed, but he said “NO” to Yazeed. This sad story was told and retold many a times in the history of humanity, and this is my wish that this should be told to the end of world because here comes the power to “NO” , history tells us that not all( NOs) are bad.

Pakistan has been in turmoils since its independence in 1947. The separation of Bangal from Pakistan was one of the most tragic event occurred in the history of Pakistan. As we all know that we are not told what actually happened in our history but to our surprise 90k army with amunation for a month to fight surrendered to the Indian Army. Bangal was departed in no time from Pakistan. The reason to this was a famous “NO” by the versatile politician Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto did not admit his defeat in the elections of 1971 where Mujeeb Ur Rahman won the elections by a clear majority, but power was not delivered to him which resulted in separation of Bangladesh.

(ادهر هم ادهر تم)

This was the famous line quoted by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto at the time of breaking of East Pakistan.

Moving to the present time who don’t know about the famous phrase “ABSOLUTELY NOT” by PM Khan. I personally admire the work done by PM Khan regarding the poverty alleviation scheme. His smart approach during covid 19, his work on climate change, and his work on Islamophobia.His contributions in health sector through Ehsas sehat card and his work to stablize the economy is worthy to be noted. But a campaign was launched against him by the opposition parties, and in a no-confidence motion he was ousted from his premiership of Islamic state of Pakistan. To add on, we all know the main reason was his “absolutely not” to the king makers .For the time being this has its own value to different set of minds but to me nothing worths more than one’s dignity.

It’s difficult to come to a proper conclusion with so little knowledge and experience, but I will say the “NO” which strengthens one’s dignity is better than a yes which only strengthens one’s bank account. Furthermore, a “NO” will make you ibleees(Satan) and a “NO” will make you Hussain (عليه السلام) , the point is when and to whom you’re going to use your default settings.

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1 comment

poetrycollections November 5 - 8:19 pm

absolutely amazing post, keep roaring


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