Surging climate change perils irrigations in Gilgit Baltistan

by Naveed Akhtar
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Surging climate change perils irrigations in Gilgit Baltistan
The Baltoro Glacier from the air, looking east

Gilgit Baltistan is a home to famous giant glaciers, more than 7000 glaciers are found in Gilgit Baltistan. Among these Siachen, Hispar, Rimo, Biafo, and Baltoro Glaciers are eulogized.

Glaciers are rich resources and great blessings indeed. However, uncontrolled levitating global warming threatens the region where these glaciers are found and residents have vulnerable life as they are in the cage of any undesired floods or snow sliding.

Unpredictable snowfall due to climate change means skating on thin ice and scarcity of rainfall (less than 50 millimeters annually) fans the flames of the intricacy for local farmers. In Gilgit Baltistan, 95% of farmers depend upon irrigation. The vicissitude in the climate of the region has a far-reaching worse impact on the glacier, ultimately it on the irrigation system, Passu glacier has lost 10% of its mass from 1977 to 2014 and still causing detriment to irrigation channels and households.

SHISPER GLACIER, Hassanabad Hunza

Shisper Glacier in Hunza Valley has been surging high since 2018 and destroying irrigated lands and water channels. Glacier melting has been the leading cause of the development of new glacier lakes, more than 3044 glaciers lakes have been developed. The sudden outburst of these lakes has ruined field crops, livestock, and homes and even disconnected high altitude valleys from the rest of the regions by destroying infrastructures. 

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1 comment

Badar Jamheer April 13 - 12:34 pm

Smoothly tuned words –


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